PUBLICATIES Marc van der Heijden
researchID D-9688-2012; H-index 18
Psychologische tests en handleidingen
- Bouman, Z, Hendriks, MPH, Kessels, RPC, Aldenkamp, AP (2012). Bewerking en normering van de Wechsler Memory Scale-IV voor het gebruik in Nederland. Tijdschrift voor Neuropsychologie, 7, 99-106.
- Nederlandse bewerking en normering van de vierde editie van de Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV
- Indonesische bewerking en normering van de vierde editie van de Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV
- Nederlandse bewerking en normering van de vijfde editie van de Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
Boeken en boekhoofdstukken
- Hendriks, M, Kessels, R, Schmand, B, (red.) (2010). Neuropsychologische Diagnostiek; de Klinische Praktijk. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Boom.
- Hendriks, M, Kessels, R, Schmand, B, (red.) (2014). Neuropsychologische Diagnostiek; de Klinische Praktijk. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Boom.
- Aldenkamp, AP, Hendriks, M, Vermeulen, J (1999). Cognitive deficits in epilepsy: is there a treatment? In: D. Schmidt, SC Schater (eds.) Epilepsy: Problem Solving in Clinical Practice. London: Martin Dunitz Ltd. (pp. 291-303).
- Aldenkamp, AP, Hendriks, M (2000). Managing Cognitive and Behavioural Consequences of Epilepsy. In: GA Baker, A Jacoby (eds.) Quality of Life in Epilepsy. Oxon: Harwood Academic Publishers.
- Ponds, R, Hendriks, M (2004). Methoden in de neuropsychologische diagnostiek. In: B. Deelman, P Eling, E de Haan, E van Zomeren (red.) Klinische Neuropsychologie. Amsterdam: Boom Uitgeverij (pp.63-81).
- Hendriks, M, Kessels, R, Gorissen, M, Schmand, B (2006). Klinische Neuropsychologie; de klinische praktijk. Amsterdam: Boom Uitgeverij.
- Swaab, H, Hendriks, M (2006). Neuropsychologische diagnostiek bij kinderen en jeugdigen. In: M Hendriks, R Kessels, M Gorissen, B Schmand, (2006). Klinische Neuropsychologie; de klinische praktijk. Amsterdam: Boom Uitgeverij.
- Fasotti, L. & Hendriks, M. (2006) In: M. Hendriks, M., Kessels, R. Gorissen, M. Schmand, B. Neuropsychologische Diagnostiek; de klinische praktijk. Amsterdam: Boom Uitgeverij.
- Egger, J, Wingbermühle, E, Hendriks, M. (2009). Van persoonlijkheid naar sociale Cognitie: Forensiche neuropsychologische verkenningen. In: TI Oei, MS. Groenhuijsen Forensische psychiatrie en haar grensgebieden. Kluwer: pp 161-179.
- Hendriks, M, Kessels, R (2010). Geheugen. In: R. Ponds
- Kessels, R, Hendriks, M (2010). Neuro- en Revalidatiepsychologie. In: RPC Kessels, G, Hutschemaekers, E. Beckers Psychologie en Praktijk. Boom Lemma uitgevers (pp.137-151).
- Hendriks, M, Frankenmolen, N, Eling, P (2011). Epilepsie. In: JAM Vandermeulen, JA den Boer, MMA Derix (red.) Onderzoek naar Bewustzijn. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Boom.
- Hendriks, M, Nicolai, J, Oostrom, K (2011). Epilepsie. In: H. Schwaab, A. Bouma, J. Hendriks, C. König, Klinische Kinderneuropsychologie. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Boom.
- Hendriks, M, Dernison, R, König, C (2011). Geheugen. In: H. Schwaab, A. Bouma, J. Hendriks, C. König, Klinische Kinderneuropsychologie. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Boom.
- Hendriks, M, Kessels, R (2011). Neuropsycholgische diagnostiek. In: MJPM Verbraak, S. Visser P. Muris, CAL Hoogduin Handboek voor gz-psychologen. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Boom (pp.93-102).
- Meeter, M, Hendriks, M (2012). Geheugen. In: Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Boom (pp.197-218)
- Hendriks, M.P.H., Bouman, Z., Kessels, R.P.C., & Aldenkamp, A.P. (2014). Wechsler Memory Scale – Fourth Edition, Dutch Edition (WMS-IV-NL). Amsterdam: Pearson.
- Hendriks, M, Bouman, Z (2015). Evidence-based neuropsychologische diagnostiek. In: JAM Vandermeulen, MMA Derix (red.) Neuropsychologische casuïstiek. Bohn Stafleu van Loghum (pp. 21-35).
- Hendriks, MPH, Barelds, DPH, Vanhecke, L (2015). WAIS-IV-NL; intelligentiemeting vanaf 16 jaar. In: WCM Resing (red.) Handboek intelligentietheorie en testgebruik. Amsterdam: Pearson (pp. 249-282).
- Kessels, RPC, Hendriks, MPH (2016). Neuropsychological Assessment. In: HS Friedman (ed.) Encyclopedia of Mental Health (2nd), vol.3. Waltham: Academic Press (pp. 197-201).
- Hendriks, MPH, Van der Heijden, PT (2016). Intelligentie. In: Barelds, D. & Dijkstra, P. (eds.) Inleiding in de persoonlijkheidspsychologie (pp.219-272).
- Vermeij, A, Hendriks, M (2017). Geheugenstoornissen. In: C van Heugten, D Bertens, J Spikman (red.) Richtlijn Neuropsychologische Revalidatie Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen (pp.34-39).
- Van der Heijden, P, Hendriks, M, Grootens, K (2019) Betrouwbaarheid van Diagnostiek. Accredidact
Nederlandstalige professionele artikelen
- Beeckmans, K, Michiels, K, Hendriks, M (1995). Persoonlijkheidsveranderingen vanuit een neuropsychologisch perspectief bij temporaalkwab-epilepsie. Epilepsie Bulletin, 23, 93-97.
- Haaijman, WP, Nelen, W, Hendriks, M (1995). Psychiatrische en psychosociale aspecten bij de neurochirurgissche behandeling van therapieresistente patienten met epilepsie voorstel tot uitbreiding van het psychodiagnostisch protocol. Epilepsie Bulletin, 23, 120-123.
- Eling, P, Hendriks, M (1999). Het raadsel geheugen. Neuropraxis, 3, 183-185.
- Van Zundert, M, Hendriks, M, Alpherts, W (2010). Taalrepresentatie bij epilepsie: Een kritische beschouwwing van de ‘crowding’-hypothese. Tijdschrift voor Neuropsychologie, 3, 23-32.
- Hendriks, M (2012). Cognitieve veranderingen na epilepsiechirurgie. Epilepsie, 10, 26-30.
- Hendriks, M. (2014). Neurowetenschappen bezien vanuit de epilepsiechirurgie. De Psycholoog, 10-18.
- Bouman, Z, Hendriks, M, Dek, J, Kessels, R, Aldenkamp, A (2015). (Niet) vergeten te meten: de Nederlandstalige Wechsler Memory Scale-Vierde Editie (WMS-IV-NL). Tijdschrift voor Klinische Psychologie, 45, 114-127.
- Hendriks, MPH, Van der Heijden, PT (2016). Symptoomvaliditeit de achilleshiel van de neuropsychologische diagnostiek. Letsel&Schade, 3, 367-381.
- Van Zandvoort, M, Ruis, C, Hendriks, M (2016). Wakkere hersenoperaties: de klinisch-neuropsychologische aspecten. Neuropraxis, 20, 91-95.
- Thissen, S, Vlooswijk, MCG, Hendriks, MPH, Majoie, HJM (2017). ‘Transient epileptic amnesia’: een casus en literatuuroverzicht. TNN Neurologie, 118, 94-101.
- Bremm, FJ, Grewe, P, Bien, CG, Hendriks, MPH (2019). Pre- en postoperatief verbaal geheugen en executief functioneren bij frontaal- en temporaalkwabepilepsie. Neuropraxis, DOI 10.1007/s12474-019-00222-6
- Hendriks, MPH, Heijden, van der, PT, Dijk, van M, Ruiter, S, Vlugt, van der, H (2019). De Wechsler intelligentietest voor kinderen 5e editie: WISC-V, Neuropraxis,
Internationale wetenschappelijke publicaties
- Hendriks, MPH, Aldenkamp, AP, Van der Vlugt, H, Alpherts, WCJ, Vermeulen, J (2002). Memory complaints in medically refractory epilepsy: relation with epilepsy related factors, Epilepsy&Behavior, 3, 165-172
- Alpherts, WCJ, Vermeulen, J, Franken, MLO, Hendriks, MPH, Van Veelen,CWM, Van Rijen, PC (2002). Lateralization of Auditory rhythm length in temporal lobe lesions. Brain and Cognition, 49, 114-122.
- Aldenkamp, AP, Hendriks, MPH, Baker, GA (2002). The A-B Neuropsychological Assessment Scale (ABNAS): the relationship between patient-percieved drug related cognitive impairment and results of neuropsychological tests. Seizure, 11, 231-237.
- Hendriks, MPH, Van Kampen, A, Aldenkamp, AP, Van der Vlugt, H, Alpherts, WCJ, Vermeulen, J (2003). Recognition memory of serially or simultaneoulsy preseted words or figures of epilepsy patients with or without mesial temporal sclerosis. Epilepsy Research, 57, 137-144
- Hendriks, MPH, Aldenkamp, AP, Alpherts, WCJ, Ellis, J, Vermeulen, J, Van der Vlugt, H (2004). Relationships between epilepsy related factors and memory impairment. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 110, 291-300.
- Alpherts, WCJ, Vermeulen, J, Hendriks, MPH, Franken, MLO, Van Rijen, PC, Lopes da Silva, FH, Van Veelen, CWM (2004). Long-term effects of temporal lobectomy on intelligence, Neurology, 62, 607-611.
- Kessels, RPC, Hendriks, MPH, Schouten, J, Van Asselen, M, Postma, A (2004). Spatial memory deficits in patients after unilateral selective amygdalo-hippocampectomy. JINS, 10, 907-912.
- Scholtes, FBJ, Hendriks, MPH, Renier, WO (2005). Cognitive deterioration as a result of Electrical Status Epilepticus during Slow Sleep. Epilepsy&Behavior, 6, 167-173.
- Ponds, WHM, Hendriks, MPH (2006). Cognitive rehabilitation of memory problems in patients with epilepsy. Seizure, 15, 267-273.
- Piekema, C, Fenández, G, Postma, A, Hendriks, MPH, Wester, AJ, Kessels RPC (2007). Assessing working memory funtions in patients with diencephalic or hippocampal dysfunction. Brain Research, 1172, 103-109.
- Ammerlaan, AJG, Hendriks, MPH, Colon, AJ, Kessels, RPC (2008). Emotion perception and interpersonal behavior in epilepsy patients after unilateral amygdalohippocampectomy. Acta Neurobiologicae Experimentalis, 68, 214-218.
- Klinke, A, Minnerop M, Schmitz-Hübsch, Hendriks, M, Klockgether, T, Wüllner, U. Helmstaedter, C (2010). Neuropsychological Features of Patients with Spinocerebellar Ataxi (SCA) Types 1, 2, 3, and 6. Cerebellum, 9, DOI 10.1007/s12311-010-0183-8
- Minnerop M, Klinke, A, Schmitz-Hübsch, Hendriks, M, Klockgether, T, Wüllner, U. Helmstaedter, C (2010). Depression in Patients with Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3 (SCA 3). Cerebellum, 9, 606-607 DOI 10.1007/s12311-010-0206-5
- Jacobs, B, Van Ekert, , Vernooy, LPL, Dieperink, P, Andriessen, TMJC, Hendriks, MPH, Van Vugt, AB, Emons, MAA, Borm, GF, Vos P (2012). Development and external validation of a new PTA assessment scale. BMC Neurology, 12,
- Tielemans, NS, Hendriks, MPH, Talmini, L, Wester, AJ, Meeter, M, Kessels, RPS (2012). Facilitation of memory by contextual cues in patients with diencephalic or medial temporal lobe dysfunction. Neuropsychologica, 50, 1603-1608
- Barendse, EM, Hendriks, MPH, Jansen, JFA, Backes, WH, Hofman, PAM, Thoonen, G, Kessels, RPC, Aldenkamp, AP (2013). Working memory deficits in high-functioning adolescents with autism spectrum disorders: neuropsychological and neuroimaging correlates. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 5,
- Van Geldorp, B, Kessels, RPC, Hendriks, MPH (2013). Single-item and associative working memory in stroke patients. Behavioural Neurology, 26, 199-201
- Vugs, B, Cuperus, J, Hendriks, M, Verhoeven, L (2013). Visuospatial working memory in specific language impairment: A meta-analysis. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34, 2586-2597
- Bouman, Z, Hendriks, MPH, Aldenkamp, AP, Kessels, RPC (2014). Clinical validation of the WMS-IV-NL brief cognitive status exam (BCSE) in older adults with MCI or dementia.
- Braams, O, Meekes, J, Brain, K, Schappin, R, Van Rijen, PC, Hendriks, MPH, Jennekens-Schinkel, A, Van Nieuwenhuizen, O (2014). Parenting stress does not normalize after child’s epilepsy surgery. Epilepsy & Behavior, 36,
- Cuperus, J, Vugs, B, Scherper, A, Hendriks, M (2014). Executive function behaviours in children with specific language impairment (SLI). International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 60, 132-143.
- Vugs, B, Hendriks, M, Cuperus, J, Verhoeven, L (2014). Working memory performance and executive function behaviors in young children with SLI. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35, 62-74
- Van Geldrop, B, (2014) Different types of working memory binding in epilepsy patients with unilateral temporal lobectomy. Brain and Cognition, 85c, 10.1016/j.bandc.2013.12.009
- Meekes, J, et al (2014) Visual memory after epilepsy surgery in children: A standardized regression-based analysis of group and individual outcomes. Epilepsy&Behavior, 36C, 10.1016/j.yebeh.2014.04.016
- Suwartono, C, et al (2014) Development and reliability of the Indonesian Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth edition (WAIS-IV), Psychology, 5, 10.4236/psych.2014.514171
- Meekes, J et al (2015) Parental education predicts change in intelligence quotient after childhood epilepsy sugrery. Epilepsia, 56, 10.1111/epi.12938
- Bouman, Z, Hendriks, MPH, Kerkmeer, MC, Kessels, RPC, Aldenkamp, AP (2015). Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Dutch Version of the Wechsler Memory Scale-Fourth Edition (WMS-IV-NL). Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, DOI:10.1093/arclin/acv013
- Vugs, B, Knoors, H, Cuperus, J, Hendriks, M, Verhoeven, L (2015). Interactions between working memory and language in young children with specific language impairment (SLI). Child Neuropsychology, DOI:10.1080/09297049.2015.1058348
- Bouman, Z et al (2016) Clinical utility of the Wechsler Memory Scale-Fourth edition (WMS-IV) in patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior, 55, 10.1016/j.yebeh.2015.11.022
- Bouman, Z, Hendriks, MPH, Schmand, BA, Kessels, RPC, Aldenkamp, AP (2016). Indicators of suboptimal performance embedded in the Wechsler Memory Scale-Fourth Edition (WMS-IV). Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 38, 455-466
- Haeren, R (2016) Deterioration of dyslexia after non-dominant temporal lobectomy for drug-resistant epilepsy, Epilepsy Disorders, 18, 10.1684/epd.2016.0806
- Meekes, J et al (2016) Lexicon before and after epilepsy surgery in adolescents, Neuropsychology, 30, 10.1037/neu0000265
- Bouman, Z, et al (2016) Temporal stability of the Dutch version of the Wechsler Memory Scale – Fourth Edition (WMS-IV-NL) The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 25, 10.1080/13854046.2015.1137354
- Vugs, B et al (2016) Executive function training in children with SLI: A pilot study. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 33, 10.1177/0265659016667772
- Bouman, Z, Hendriks, MPH, Van der Veld, W, Aldenkamp, AP, Kessels, RPC (2016). Clinical validation of three short forms of the Dutch Wechsler Memory Scale-Fourth Edition (WMS-IV-NL) in a mixed clinical sample. Assessment, 23, 386-394.
- Bouman, Z, Hendriks, MPH, Kessels, RPC, Aldenkamp, AP (2012). Bewerking en normering van de Wechsler Memory Scale-IV voor het gebruik in Nederland. Tijdschrift voor Neuropsychologie, 7, 99-106.
- Drenthen, GS, Barendse, EM, Aldenkamp, AP, Van Veenendaal RM, Puts, NAJ, Edden RAE, Zinger, S, Thoonen, G, Hendriks, MPH, Kessels, RPC, Jansen, JFA (2016). Altered neurotransmitter metabolism in adolescents with high-functioning autism. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 256, 44-49
- Haeren, RHL, Hendriks, MPH, Vlooswijk, M, Verdyck, L, Van Kranen-Mastenbroek, VHJM, Wagner, L, Van Benthum, S, Schijns, OEMG (2016). Deterioration of dyslexia after non-dominant temporal lobectomy for drug-resistant epilepsy. Epileptic Disorders, 18, 77-82.
- Vugs, B, Knoors, H, Cuperus, J, Hendriks, M, Verhoeven, L (2016). Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 1-20, DOI: 10.1177/0265659016667772
- Suwartono et al (2017) External validity of the Indonesian Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth edition (WAIS-IV-ID). Anima Indonesian Psychological Journal
- Van Dijk, et al (2017) Evaluating WAIS-IV structure through a different psychometric lens: Structural causal model discovery as an alternative to confirmatory factor analysis. Clinical Neuropsychologist, 20, 10.1111/pcn.12602
- Barendse, et al (2017) working memory network alterations in high-functioning adolescents with an autism spectrum disorder: fMRI correlates for in ASD. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 4, 10.1111/pcn.12602
- Vugs, B, Hendriks, M, Cuperus, J, Knoors, H, Verhoeven, L (2017). Developmental associations between Working Memory and Language in Children with Specific Language Impairment: A longitudinal study. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, DOI:10.1044/2027_JSLHR-L-17-0042
- Hendriks, M.P.H. & Alpherts, W.C.J. (2017). Epilepsy. In R. Kessels, P. Eling, R. Ponds, J. Spikman & M. Van Zandvoort (Eds.), Clinical neuropsychology (pp. 347-363). Amsterdam: Boom
- Meeter, M. & Hendriks, M.P.H. (2017). Memory. In R. Kessels, P. Eling, R. Ponds, J. Spikman & M. Van Zandvoort (Eds.), Clinical neuropsychology (pp. 181-201). Amsterdam: Boom
- Blumcke, I, Spreafico, R, Haaker, G, Coras, R, Kobow, K, Bien, CG, … (2017). Histopahtological findings in brain tissue obtained during epilepsy surgery. The New England Journal of Medicine, 377, 1648-1656
- Barendse, EM, Hendriks, MPH, Thoonen, G, Aldenkamp, AP, Kessels, RPC (2018). Social behaviour and social cogntion in high-functioning adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD): two sides of the same coin? Cognitive Processing, org/10.1007/s10339-018-0866-5
- Bernas, A, Barendse, EM, Aldenkamp, AP, Backes, WH, Hofman, PAM, Hendriks, MPH, Kessels, RPC, Willems, FMJ, De With, PHN, Zinger, S, Jansen, JFA (2018). Brain resting-state networks in adolescents with high-functioning autism: Analysis of spatial connectivity and temporal neurodynamics. Brain and Behavior, 8, 878. DOI: 10.1002/brb3.878
- Wynn, S, Hendriks, MPH, Daselaaar, S, Kessels, RPC, Schutter, DLG (2018). The posterior parietal cortex and subjectively perceived confidence during memory retrieval. Learning & Memory, 25, DOI: 10.1101/lm.048033.118
- Hoogland, G, Hendriksen, R, Slegers, RJ, Hendriks, MPH, Schijns, OEMG, Aalbers, MW (2018). The expression of the distal dystropin isoforms DP140 and DP71 in the human epileptic hippocampus in relation to cognitive functioning. Hippocampus, DOI: 10.1002/hipo.23015
- Altgassen, M, Sheppard, DP, Hendriks, MPH (2019). Do importance instructions improve time-based prospective remembering in autism spectrum conditions? Researh in Developmental Disabilities, 90, 1-13, doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2019.04.008
- Bremm, FJ, Hendriks, MPH, Grewe, P, Bien, CG (2019). Pre- en postoperative verbal memory and executive functions in frontal and temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy&Behavior doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2019.106538